YEC Series Student Spotlight: Jaelyn Rumback, Beauty by Jae

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By NetWork Kansas

Beauty by Jae

Jaelyn Rumback competed in the 2019-2020 YEC Series in Norton County and placed first in her high school division. During the 2018-2019 season, through K-State’s executive summary open review, she earned a wild card spot to compete at the Kansas Entrepreneurship Challenge. Below Jaelyn talks about how this program has influenced her as an entrepreneur.

Q: Describe your business and how it’s grown since participating in YEC.

A: “Beauty by Jae was established in October of 2018 for the Norton County YEC. I make and sell sugar scrubs which remove dry or dead skin from your body. Beauty by Jae also has body butter, which is a thick version of lotion and a very small amount of it can go a long way. I started Beauty by Jae out with only four scents in the sugar scrubs. After November 2018, Beauty by Jae had a total of seven sugar scrub scents, and now I have a booming 12. After my experience at the KEC State Championship, I decided that I needed to add a new product to expand my business. So, in the summer of 2019, I introduced my first ever body butter products. The body butter started out with only four scents and now has six.”

Q: What were your key takeaways from participating?

A: “Participating in the YEC Series taught me many things. One thing that helped my business a lot from the YEC competition was the feedback that I received from the judges, which I implemented into my business this year. Another key takeaway from the YEC competition was the time I got to spend talking in front of adults about what I love doing, which will help me in the future when I am getting interviewed for a job. And the monetary awards are nice too!”


Q: What are your plans to grow your business in the future?

A: “One of my biggest goals is having an online Etsy shop where people from all over the United States can order my Beauty by Jae products. As of right now though, my plans to grow my business include researching popular body care products and adding them to my Beauty by Jae line if my customers would seem willing to purchase them. I also plan on attending the KEC State Championship again. I will continue to attend craft fairs to gain the customers that are not locals as well.”


You can view the Beauty by Jae Facebook page here.

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