Lunch & Learn Series Kicks Off: “Kansas’ Colors: A Latino Perspective”

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A NetWorked Community Solutions Grant Project



Media Contacts:
Karly Frederick, Rice County Community Foundation
Stacy Clark, Rice County Economic Development

The Rice County Community Foundation and Rice County Economic Development are hosting a lunch and learn session entitled, “Kansas’ Colors: A Latino Perspective.” This session will provide leaders in Rice County an opportunity to learn about Latinos in Rice County and how organizations can better engage and build trust with the Rice County Hispanic community.

Two sessions will be offered in English on Friday, March 31st or Friday, May 5th from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm with lunch provided. All businesses and
organizations that attend will be entered for a chance to win ‘mini grants’ to be utilized with AB&C Bilingual Resources for translating needs.

Two Leadership sessions will also be hosted in Spanish on Saturday, April 1st or Saturday, May 6th from 9:00 am – 1:30 pm with lunch and childcare provided. This will be a session for Spanish-speaking neighbors in Rice County to learn leadership skills and the value of getting involved in the community.

These sessions will be facilitated by Claudia Yaujar-Amaro, founder of AB&C Bilingual Resources, LLC, a multicultural bilingual marketing company in Wichita. Claudia is founder, host, and producer of an online radio station and Spanish newspaper, Planeta Venus. Claudia is a member of Kansas Leadership Center Teach Teams and Coach for Avanzando Juntos (KLC’s Spanish leadership program). One of Claudia’s favorite quotes is, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” – Nelson Mandela.

This project is possible thanks to a grant obtained through the NetWorked Community Solutions Grant from the NetWorked Partnership for Community Investment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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