[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Learn the best way to map out the beginning of starting your business. Without a plan, decision may be based on instincts or emotions and a solid business plan will help prevent unexpected problems and provide you with a Pathway to Success. This course is designed to provide new and aspiring entrepreneurs with the tools and resources to set a starting point for their business. The learner will realize the importance of business plans and planning, understand the basic topics and content all business plans must address and be able to prepare a solid business plan.
This class is part of a series with the below classes:
BUSBASICS-102 Fundamentals of Business
BUSBASICS-103 Designing Your Branding, Marketing, and Sales
BUSBASICS-104 Business Foundations: Putting It All Together[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]