e2 In-Depth: Urban America is Filling Up

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By: Don Macke with Ann Chaffin, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Urban America is Filling Up
Opportunities for Rural America

LA Urban sprawl

From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean there is a vast continent that since the 1600s has empowered the movement of European and Spanish American settlers to constantly be on the move in search of new land and opportunities. The forces were at work as a once rural-dominant U.S. experienced massive migration to America’s growing cities. Americans are actively seeking the right place to work, live and play. As America’s cities have grown, they have become costly and congested. Many city workers like teachers and police officers cannot afford to live in the very communities where they work. Today there is a counter trend, particularly for younger families and retiring Boomers moving to less urban and often rural communities where costs are lower and there is less congestion. Our paper Urban America is Filling Up explores this increasing rural development opportunity.

Read further.

NetWork Kansas is the home for e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, which is led by Don Macke, who has more than 40 years of community economic development and policy experience. The partnership between NetWork Kansas and e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems provides a platform to offer learning institutes, a consulting network, analytics support and mentoring to benefit the entrepreneurs, small businesses, resource partners and communities in Kansas as well as nationally.


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