e2 In-Depth: Mega Trends and Rural America

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By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems


We live in a very complex and dynamic global economy and society. Change seems to be accelerating. The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic illustrates how globally interrelated we are now. With the start of each new year new content is generated focused on the future and what key trends to follow. I recently received my much anticipated Economist edition of predictions, The World in 2021. At e2 we’ve been tracking relevant rural trends for several decades and released a paper on it in April 2020. As 2021 launches with promising COVID-19 vaccinations, a recovering economy, and a new national government, we thought it timely to update this paper and re-release it as Top 10 Mega Trends in 2021 Influencing the Future of Rural America. Read on.

NetWork Kansas is the home for e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, which is led by Don Macke, who has more than 40 years of community economic development and policy experience. The partnership between NetWork Kansas and e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems provides a platform to offer learning institutes, a consulting network, analytics support and mentoring to benefit the entrepreneurs, small businesses, resource partners and communities in Kansas as well as nationally.


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