e2 In-Depth: Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Building in Keene, New Hampshire

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By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, with Mary Ann Kristiansen

Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Building in Keene, New Hampshire

e2- August 2021

This month’s downloadable story and podcast episode focuses on Mary Ann and the highly successful efforts by the Center to foster and support entrepreneurs in Southwestern New Hampshire. This year e2 is partnering with Radically Rural to host two entrepreneurship tracks with one focusing on the Ord, Nebraska story and the second on the NetWork Kansas Capital System. Consider attending Radically Rural, with both in-person and virtual attendance options. We hope this powerful story of local entrepreneurial ecosystem building and impact inspires you and your community.

Read more.

NetWork Kansas is the home for e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, which is led by Don Macke, who has more than 40 years of community economic development and policy experience. The partnership between NetWork Kansas and e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems provides a platform to offer learning institutes, a consulting network, analytics support and mentoring to benefit the entrepreneurs, small businesses, resource partners and communities in Kansas as well as nationally.


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