e2 In-Depth: 2020 Anthology of e2 Work

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Despite a worldwide pandemic health crisis, recession, all the Zoom conferences, and a presidential election, we close out another productive year. Here’s a compilation […]

e2 In-Depth: Is Your Community a JEDI Hometown?

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and David Iaquinta Is Your Community a JEDI Hometown? Growing Entrepreneurial Communities The United States has grown and developed in large part by waves […]

e2 In-Depth: Pandemic Recession Future Trends

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Pandemic Recession Future Trends Implications for rural community development With each major socioeconomic event (e.g., depressions, pandemics, civil unrest, wars, etc.) there is typically […]

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