e2 In-Depth: New Resources for 2022

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By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

2022 graphic

At e2, we not only have written a chapter (more on that below), but we have new resources we are excited to share this year! Throughout 2022 we plan to focus on three themes:

1. Transformative Change and Entrepreneurship
We are releasing our remarkable story collection on Ord, located in rural, north central Nebraska. The Ord story spans 50 years from the 1970s to present and captures the transformation this community and its region achieved through entrepreneur-led community economic development. In addition to our newest podcast episode, “Transformative Economics,” we are beta testing an online learning platform around this work!
2.  Likely Entrepreneurial Development Opportunity Strategy Guides
Last year we identified 10 entrepreneurial development opportunities that most rural communities can use to diversify their economies. Now we have a guide for each of these opportunities, plus one on regional development, which are filled with tips and tactics for implementation. MORE INFO
3.  e2’s latest field work in thriving rural communities:
  • Growing Rural Oregon (GRO) Info
  • Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Nebraska (E3) Info
  • Rural Entrepreneurial Venture (REV) in Minnesota Info
  • E-Communities – NetWork Kansas Info

Read more.

NetWork Kansas is the home for e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, which is led by Don Macke, who has more than 40 years of community economic development and policy experience. The partnership between NetWork Kansas and e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems provides a platform to offer learning institutes, a consulting network, analytics support and mentoring to benefit the entrepreneurs, small businesses, resource partners and communities in Kansas as well as nationally.


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