YEC Series Student Spotlight: Sophia Glanville, Yowl Creek Sweets and Treats

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By NetWork Kansas

Sophia Glanville first competed in the YEC Series in Chase County during the 2017-2018 season and has competed each year since. During the 2018-2019 season, through K-State’s executive summary open review, she earned a wild card spot to compete at the Kansas Entrepreneurship Challenge. Below Sophia talks about how this program has influenced her as an entrepreneur.

Yowl Creek

Q: Describe your business and how it’s grown since participating in the YEC Series.

A: My root beer business has grown quite a bit since I entered the YEC competition. I’ve had more opportunities to sell my product plus more people have been exposed to what my business has to offer.”

Q: What were your key takeaways from participating?

A: The YEC Series has absolutely grown Yowl Creek Sweets and Treats. More people have heard about it through the contest which in turn gave me more business. It’s been really great to have people want to learn more about starting a business and modeling it after work I’ve done. I really enjoy having my own business and having the freedoms that come with it.My key takeaways were more feasible ideas to expand the business. I also took away things that I needed to do to be more legitimate in my business. I also gained better organization and leadership skills.”

Yowl Creek1

Q: What are your plans to grow your business in the future?

A: To grow my business in the future I plan to go to larger events to be able to sell my root beer. I also want to be able to bottle the root beer and sell it when I have the money and time to.”

To learn more about bringing the YEC Series to your community,contact your NetWork Kansas Regional Manager.

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