e2 In-Depth: Is Your Community a JEDI Hometown?

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By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and David Iaquinta

Is Your Community a JEDI Hometown?
Growing Entrepreneurial Communities

e2Diversity Cover Image

The United States has grown and developed in large part by waves of new residents bringing their histories, values, customs, foods, religions, and so much more. While America has been a land of opportunity for new residents, each new wave has challenged the status quo creating ugly chapters in our history with discrimination, racism, and violence. At e2 we believe that diversity is an asset both culturally and economically. In this paper we explore what diversity means in growing an entrepreneurial economy and community.

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NetWork Kansas is the home for e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, which is led by Don Macke, who has more than 40 years of community economic development and policy experience. The partnership between NetWork Kansas and e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems provides a platform to offer learning institutes, a consulting network, analytics support and mentoring to benefit the entrepreneurs, small businesses, resource partners and communities in Kansas as well as nationally.


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